Tag: mountain biking

Hey folks, Did you know that MtnBikeRiders.com has been in around a bit over 7 years! During that time we’ve With that conducted a plethora of product reviews for a variety of companies. There isn’t a day that goes by where we don’t get approached by our readers and even friends as well as family…

As much as I love mountain biking, I realized there are some pitfalls to the sport. But I found these out AFTER the fact that I started riding. Perhaps if someone told me about them, I may have gotten into bowling or mopeds….ya I can picture…mopedriders.com…. With that in mind, don’t get into mountain biking…

On the wonderful world of Social Media there’s something that goes on every Thursday called Throw Back Thursday or #TBT. Since most mountain bikers are visual learners ( I made that up), I figured here’s a list of various videos that showcase some of our favorite things from the days of our childhood. M.A.S.K. I…

Ok kids, I now present to you the world famous…BURT REYNOLDS…again! Here he is in all his glorified glorehh! You like his new bars? Those are the On-One Midge bar. I think I bought the last one since I checked this morning, they were out of stock. This bar tape you see, it’s the On-One…

One of our newest members of the MtnBikeRiders.com Race team is a fella named Kyle Knight. Ya I know what you’re thinking, “what a cool name!” Trust me, all I want to do is call him “Michael” or “Knight Rider.” Anyhow Mr.K has been involved with Enduro racing for quite some time. He’s won a…

Yep that’s how my Saturday turned out. So without boring you with some lame details, here’s some pictures. But first, let me tell you about my Bro-Date with Art Aguilar. He’s so dreamy! We had some tacos by the beach. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about what I did.…

LETS TALK COMMITMENT Commitment is a big word for some people, some will run from it, some will half commit and not fallow through, and some will go head long into it all the way knowing they have done their homework believing in what they are doing. Now a lot of you may know already…

For the thrill seeking and adventurous, mountain biking is one of the greatest and most fun activities that allows you to achieve that exhilarating adrenaline rush, while also managing to keep up your fitness. Although the narrow and rocky mountain paths, with their twists, turns and inclines, makes mountain biking inherently dangerous, especially to those…

SONY ELECTRONICS NEW ACTION CAM I am always on the look out for new ways to get that great riding footage or a cool product video reviews for our readers of MtnBikeRiders.com and in doing so we are on the look out for the newest tools to help us with that, so when we go…